How to Decorate a Home Office

How to Decorate a Home Office

How to Decorate a Home Office

How to decorate a home office

More people are working from home now than ever, even if it’s only part-time. If you’re one of the lucky ones who get to work from home, a comfortable space can lead to a more productive workday.

Even if your home office is just a room you occasionally read a book in, it’s still fun to make it your own. This article will help you spark some home office decor ideas!

The Home Office

Remote work is no longer a rarity that one of our lucky neighbors fell into, it’s now a big-time benefit offered by companies of all sizes and industries! Office expenses can literally bankrupt certain companies, so the home office is a win-win in a lot of situations. 

Studies show that a majority of employees are more productive in the home office setting, and the most productive have a home office decor that makes them feel comfortable and empowered to kick some work butt. 

Home Office Decorations

Motivation and comfort are the two main things you should look for when decorating your home office. In addition to your office supply mainstays, things like wall decorations and plants can add to the aesthetic of your workspace. But to start out, our recommendation is to come up with a theme first and build around it. 

5 Office Theme Decor Ideas

To get you started, here are some home office theme ideas!

The Library

Depending on the type of work you do, your focus may be at the top of your priority list. Decorating your home office to resemble a library study can be a great catalyst for that focus to kick in and stay on track. Though bookshelves are an obvious necessity, as far as decorations are concerned, mellow seems to be the norm. Plants can add to the ambiance of the space, and a nice lighting scheme can round out the “leave me to my studies, please” tone. 


For the vast amount of remote workers, you might want your workspace to reflect your innovation because of your work in the realm of tech, and a modern or industrial home office can be the ticket. Most rooms in the house don’t really feel “at home” when modernized beyond the rest of the house, but a home office (intended to be an escape) with metal galore and minimalistic touches can make you feel like you’re in an office building penthouse… without worrying about parking. 

The Traveler

Great for global business people or a globetrotter, a home office that displays travel endeavors is professional, personable, and peaceful for most. If Zoom meetings are a regular thing with your business, they can also be used as conversation starters while waiting for other attendees. 

As far as decorations go, vinyl maps are great wall centerpieces, and by pairing them with globes, photos, souvenirs, and trinkets from all over the world can round out your office inspired by wanderlust. 

Feel the Breeze

The act of simply being outside is one of the most natural energizers that exists, and if you can encapsulate that feeling, you can practically work outside. If you’re able to set up your home office somewhere that allows for a lot of airflow and natural light you’ll be good to go with a few added touches. As a plus, if you have any beach decor, it can work in tandem with your outdoor-style office, as do bright lights and light colors. 

The Man Cave Office

Is anyone else really going to be in your home office? If the answer is no, then deck that thing out! Depending on how easily distracted you are, the pool table might need to stay in the garage, but sports wall hangings, memorabilia, and other “cool” stuff that says, “this is my office” like awards and photos can make your home office double as a cool place to watch your favorite sporting events and even have a beer after you log out of that meeting. 

Other Home Office Essentials

Once you’ve got your office decorated to your liking, you need to deck it out with some non-decorative essentials, too. Here are some home office must-haves:

  • Comfy chair - just like the comfort your decorations add, an office chair that you could (and sometimes will) sit in all day is a must.
  • Adjustable desk - working from home can leave a lot of people a little too comfortable at times, and having an adjustable desk that you can switch from sitting to standing is a good strategy to stay focused, alert and not sedentary.
  • 2nd monitor - According to a study by Jon Peddie Research, a second monitor increases productivity by an average of 42%. Get on it!
  • Noise-canceling headphones - Maybe you’re lucky enough to live alone, or maybe you’re lucky enough to have quiet neighbors but. for those who don’t have those luxuries, noise-canceling headphones can be the ticket to peace and quiet in your home office. 
  • Printer/Scanner - Less paper is the way of the future, but you never know when a client will want a good ol’ hard copy or scanned document, and printer/scanners are about the same price as the ink that goes in them. 

Time to Get to Work

Remember that comfort is the key if you’re decorating a home office that will see lots of use as just that. If it’s more of an extra room, you can have a little more fun with accessories, but don’t make your space too distracting if you plan on working in it!

If none of these theme ideas vibe with you, consider starting your decorations with a custom vinyl from Fathead of anything you have a photo of. It’s easy and can be done from… your home office!


Should my desk face the window?

Generally, natural light is a motivator, but if looking out the window can be a distraction, then that natural light is best at your back.

What should every home office have?

For a list of home office essentials, scroll up on this article!

Does working from home increase productivity?

A Stanford study found that, out of 16,000 workers, the average employee was 13% more productive from home. However, some subjects were less productive.

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